1) Write a PPM function which allows for variable attack and release times - The function should take an audio signal, attack time, release time, and Fs as inputs and return the filtered signal (i.e. function vppm = ppm( x, attackTime, releaseTime, fs )) - Remember the PPM extracts the envelope of a signal on a sample-per-sample basis as opposed to block-wise analysis like in the peak envelope function - plot your vppm over the original audio signal (what happens when you change the attack/release times?) - how might you use this as a feature? 2) Weighted RMS according to Broadcasting standards - Generate a couple seconds of white noise - Write an RMS function which weights the signal according to broadcasting standards. As a reference use http://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-I!!PDF-E.pdf - In order to do this you must: write a 2nd Order IIR filter Filter the signal twice according to the filter coefficients in the reference (the coefficients are for 48kHz) compute block-wise RMS over the new filtered signal there are a few ways to do this but you might have a function for computing the block-wise RMS and another function for the 2nd order IIR and a 3rd function which calls both taking the original signal as input and returning the weighted RMS values |